Our namesake

Beulah Estaline Tolliver was a teacher in a one room schoolhouse in West Virginia. In the tiny mountain town of Jumping Branch, B. E. Tolliver taught all of the elementary students in her community.  Like many modern teachers she often became aware of needs her students had outside of the classroom.  When Ms. Tolliver heard that a family in the community was struggling to make ends meet, which was often considering she taught during the great depression of the 1930s and 1940s, she helped.  When she couldn’t spare anything from her own farm, she would ask a neighbor to pitch in.  She was just one person, but she was able to rally support from friends, family, and neighbors to make sure that the people in her community were taken care of.

Beulah was my grandmother, though I never had the opportunity to meet her as she died before my birth, stories of her intelligence and generosity rang through to my generation. And so in her honor, I started this non profit organization.  By providing funds for textbooks to college students in my community, I want to assist my community members in achieving their educational goals.  It is my hope that this spreads my grandmother’s spirit of generosity to even more generations to come.     


The above image features the bell that B. E. actually used to call her students into the schoolhouse. I placed them on four classic novels I happened to have on my shelf and sent the image to a graphic artist to create our logo!